Coy, I'm attaching two CDL files for you to compare. The first, nc3time.cdl, is just a copy of an earlier CDL file you sent showing the current way you organize the data using netCDF-3. The second, nc4time.cdl, is supposed to represent exactly the same data, except it uses a variable-length type. The differences are 1. the addition of the type definition "heights_t" representing a variable length sequence of float data at different heights types: float (*) heights_t ; 2. the omission of the "Heights" dimension, which is no longer used 3. the declarations of the five variables heights_t MeanDopplerVelocity(Time) ; heights_t SNR(Time) ; heights_t Power(Time) ; heights_t SpectralWidth(Time) ; heights_t NoiseLevel(Time) ; 4. the CDL notation for the data values for those variables, which now use "{val1, val2, ..., valn}" for a variable length sequence of n values at various heights. Using ncgen and the experimental utility ncgen4, available in the current snapshot distribution, the corresponding netCDF files can be generated for these two CDL files: $ ncgen -b nc3time.cdl $ ncgen4 -b nc4time.cdl Comparing sizes shows is still smaller (24076 bytes) than (93399 bytes), but I think that's because of the larger constant overhead for netCDF-4/HDF5 files, and that space would be saved if using more realistic amounts of data. Note also that the use of variable length types means you really aren't limited to the use of a set of fixed heights such as 10, 20, ..., 100, but could instead have any number of heights for any variable/time combination. Disadvantages of use of this variable length type include: - You have to access each set of heights for a particular variable at a particular time all at once, rather than getting a single value. In you case, this means writing anywhere from 10 to 100 values of MeanDopplerVelocity (for example) in one call for a particular time, and similarly all heights for a particular variable and time would have to be read with one call. - You can't access a cross section of values at the same height but different times for a variable, as you could if the values were stored in a rectangular array. - The variable-length type does not support compression, so variables that use it, such as the five in your example, can't use the compression features available for other types. - At this time only a limited number of applications, such as ncdump, support the variable-length type available in netCDF-4. I hope this helps make clearer how the variable-length type could be used in your application. --Russ Russ Rew UCAR Unidata Program address@hidden Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: TLB-677315 Department: Support netCDF Priority: Normal Status: Closed
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data