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Re: target date for final netCDF 3.5?

>To: address@hidden
>From: "William Carrigg" <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 20000308: target date for final netCDF 3.5?
>Organization: NOAA/FSL

Hi Bill,

>     My apologies in advance if this is not the proper avenue for this
> query. I'm the Software Architect for AWIPS which is an NWS program
> which relies heavily on netCDF. We are very interested in moving to v3.5
> of netCDF in our next release but are concerned about the beta
> designation. Do you have a target date for when 3.5 will be final?

The target date was yesterday, but we found a problem that we're
testing the fix for.  Now the target date is late this afternoon,
assuming a meeting I'm supposed to attend gets cancelled.  Otherwise,
it will have to wait until tomorrow afternoon.

We're not actually changing any code at this point (or since beta8),
just documentation (the INSTALL.html file) for how to install on
various platforms and Makefile/configure tweaks.  So the beta8 that is
out there now will result in the same binary libraries and programs as
the final netcdf-3.5.0 that will be available later today or tomorrow,
if you succeed in building from it, but there will definitely be
updates to the RELEASE_NOTES and INSTALL.html files, and a few
Makefiles.  We'll also have a follow-on release of binary versions and
Windows versions, as well as lots of web site changes next week after
the release.  So I probably won't announce the release this week, but
just make it available from our FTP directory.  I'll let you know when
it's there.
