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[netCDF #ZHX-166092]: INTEL 9.1.036 - netcdf-6.6.1


When I mentioned gfortran in the last reply, I should have said "ifort".  Just 
to be clear, Ed's response was to check the way the programs were compiled when 
you ran "make check" successfully, and if you used the same order for the 
compiler options as in the "make check" output, I'm confident the compile and 
link would have worked.

So try this with ifort:

  ifort -g -I/usr/local/netcdf-3.6.1/src/f90 -o pres_temp_4D_wr.x \
        pres_temp_4D_wr.o -L/usr/local/netcdf-3.6.1/lib -lnetcdf

or if you've run "make install" to install include files in 
usr/local/netcdf-3.6.1/include, then use this:

  ifort -g -I/usr/local/netcdf-3.6.1/include -o pres_temp_4D_wr.x \
        pres_temp_4D_wr.o -L/usr/local/netcdf-3.6.1/lib -lnetcdf

Also, it's more conventional to just use "pres_temp_4D_wr" for the name of the 
compiled program rather than "pres_temp_4D_wr.x", even though the latter will 
work fine.


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZHX-166092
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed