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Re: LDM file protocols

> Organization: UCSC
> Keywords: 199407210000.AA25326

Hi Jose

> Hi there.  I'm looking for documentation that describe the protocol
> line-by-line of WMO, INTNL, MCIDAS, etc. files.  For instance the INTNL
> file below is just an instance of data read off an LDM feed; however,
> the line-by-line translation of what the data represents and means is
> cryptic without the protocol.
> Typcial Intnl....file:
> 1.    ^M^M
> 2.    ^C^A^M^M
> 3.    521 ^M^M
> 4.    SIVE30 KWBC 182100^M^M
> 5.    BBXX^M^M
> 6.    DQEB 18214 99151 51433 41698 53321 10273 20212 40105 56015 70322^M^M
> 7.    85183 22264 00262 20303 335// 40606 BBXX=^M^M
> 8.    ^M^M
> 9.    ^C^A^M^M
> 10.   522 ^M^M
> 11.   SITO21 NFTF 182100^M^M
> 12.   AAXX 18214^M^M
> 13.   91780 41598 40000 10227 20213 40147 70300 84200 92035   333 562// =^M^M
> 14.   91784 41498 80000 10220 20205 40142 70328 888// 92035   333 569// =^M^M
> 15.   91785 41498 81802 10216 2021/ 78222 888//   333 564// =^M^M
> 16.   91786 41498 80402 10206 2019/ 40158 70522 888// 92030   333 561// =^M^M
> 17.   91792 41498 70000 10216 20202 40160 53018 72528 878//   333 568//^M^M
> 18.   84816 87635   555 20050 32620 41922 =^M^M
> 19.   ^M^M
> 20.   ^C^A^M^M
> 21.   523 ^M^M
> 22.   SIPF20 NTAA 182100^M^M
> 23.   AAXX 18214^M^M
> For instance lines 2, 9 & 20 could be start-of-message indicators.
> Followed respectively by lines 3, 10 & 21 which appear to be message
> sequence numbers.  But after that I couldn't even begin to guess as to
> the nature of the information.
> Hence does anyone have or know where I can get the protocol definitions
> for the above filetype files or better yet programs with documentation
> that will parse this data files already.

WMO publishes a Manual on Codes (WMO Publication No.306) which is a
multi-volume loose-leaf publication that is updated frequently.  To get the
updates, you need to have a subscription to the WMO update service.  I know
of no on-line or machine-readable version of these documents, and the
subscription service is fairly expensive.  I don't have the WMO catalogue of
publications handy, but I seem to recall that it's advertised in some
atmospheric science periodicals.

There are lots of decoder programs around, mostly as parts of larger
packages such as GEMPAK, McIDAS, and WXP.  For information on these
packages, check the URL


with a World Wide Web browser.

Some decoders are available from NMC also.  Check the /pub/nws/nmc/
directory on nic.fb4.noaa.gov for some of these.

Future questions on this topic should probably not be sent to the
netcdfgroup mailing list, since the subject has nothing to do with netCDF.

Russ Rew                                                   UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                                             P.O. Box 3000
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/                             Boulder, CO 80307-3000