Hi John,
it's Giacomo Villoresi, a colleague of Stefano Nativi. I am currently
trying to generate a NcML-CS document from a NetCDF file, using the
NetcdfDataset class. This is the code I wrote using version 2.2.06
alpha of related API:
NetcdfDataset ncd = NetcdfDataset.openDataset(fileLocation, true,
System.out.println("NetcdfFile: " + fileLocation);
ncd.writeNcML(System.out, fileLoc);
I've tried using different NetCDF files with various conventions (GDV,
COARDS, NUWG) but none printed out a NcML-CS xml document. The
creation of coordinate system metadata seems to be done correctly as
far as I understand. Is it correct? Otherwise how is it possible to
generate NcML-CS?
Thanks in advance,
Giacomo Villoresi