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"Robert Prentice - NOAA Affiliate (CIRES)": Re: sample files for nccopy

--- Begin Message ---
Hi Russ.
We were able to duplicate your results. Thanks again.

On 07/15/2013 07:41 PM, Russ Rew wrote:
Thanks Russ. Your results are encouraging. We seem to have some sort
of build problem here that is giving us much poorer results.
It's good to know that we should be able to get satisfactory results
for our files.

I duplicated the poor results you saw when I didn't use eith the "-u"
flag to fix the size of the unlimited dimension or the "-c time/3157"
arguments to set the chunk length to something better than the default 1
used for unlimited dimensions.  So maybe there's nothing wrong with your
build, unless you've tried those arguments and still get poor

I also verified that you don't have to do each of these approaches in
two separate nccopy calls using an intermediate file, as in my examples.
Each of them can be done with just one nccopy call using the options
from the separate calls, and get the same compression:

   $ nccopy -u -d9 proc.nc proc-u-d9.n
   $ nccopy -c time/3157 -d9 proc.nc proc-c-d9.nc
   $ ls -l proc.nc proc-u-d9.n proc-c-d9.nc
   -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff 3843892 Jul 15 15:31 proc.nc
   -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff 1355552 Jul 15 19:36 proc-u-d9.nc
   -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff 1355552 Jul 15 19:36 proc-c-d9.nc

Also, the -k4 is not needed, as nccopy can figure out the type of the
output file.



On 07/15/2013 04:45 PM, Russ Rew wrote:

You may have been a little puzzled by my last response.

For some reason, I thought that nccopy was achieving significantly less
compression than just gzipping the original file, but now I see that's
not the case with the proc.nc file:

    $ ls -l proc.nc proc.nc.gz proc-u-d9.nc proc-c-d9.nc
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff 3843892 Jul 15 15:31 proc.nc
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff 1368904 Jul 15 16:35 proc.nc.gz
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff 1355552 Jul 15 16:07 proc-u-d9.nc
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff 1355552 Jul 15 16:14 proc-c-d9.nc

So in the response I sent, I was trying to explain why nccopy
compression didn't do as well as gzip, but it fact it does a little bit

Maybe I was thinking of the smaller "raw" file, for which the
compression using nccopy is definitely worse:

    $ ls -l raw.nc raw.nc.gz raw-u-d9.nc raw-c-d9.nc
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff 1795940 Jul 15 15:31 raw.nc
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff  212845 Jul 15 16:40 raw.nc.gz
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff  337520 Jul 15 16:43 raw-u-d9.nc
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 russ ustaff  337520 Jul 15 16:42 raw-c-d9.nc


Hi Rob,

Thanks for taking the time to look at this.
There are a couple of files at ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/pub/outgoing/prent


We downloaded the latest version of netcdf and ran the ncopy
command with both -k 3 and -k 4, with and without -d 9, on a
Redhat Linux platform.

nccopy -k 3 -d 9 infile outfile

I just looked at the files quickly, to see what's going on, and verified
the results you reported, that gzip of the whole raw file provides 8.4
to 1 compression, and gzip of the whole proc file yields about 2.8 to 1

However, using nccopy with -d1 does poorly (and is very slow), resulting
in making the files larger by factors of about 7.0 and 6.7,

I think use of the unlimited time dimension is the root of the problem,
because it means that each variable is divided into chunks for
compression, with one record per chunk, and what you are seeing is the
HDF5 space overhead for storing lots of tiny chunks, each supposedly

Two solutions come to mind:

    1.  If you don't need the unlimited dimension any more, perhaps
        because no more data will be appended to the files, then convert
        the unlimited dimension into a fixed-size dimension, resulting in
        all the values of each variable being stored contiguously, which
        should be more compressible.

    2.  If you still need the unlimited dimension, then rechunk the data
        before compressing it, so the compression can work on larger

The nccopy utility can be used for both of these approaches.

For approach 1:

    $ nccopy -u proc.nc proc-u.nc  # makes unlimited dimension fixed size
    $ nccopy -d9 proc-u.nc proc-u-d9.nc  # compresses result, 2.8 to 1

and similarly for the raw.nc file

For approach 2:

    $ nccopy -c time/3157 proc.nc proc-c.nc # chunks time dimension
    $ nccopy -d9 proc-c.nc proc-c-d9.nc     # compresses result, 2.8 to 1

Both of these achieve the same modest amount of compression, which isn't
as good as gzip because

    - each chunk of each variable is separately compressed, whereas gzip
      compresses the whole file as a single chunk of data

    - the file metadata in the header is not compressed, only the data

    - the HDF5 overhead is a larger portion of the file for relatively
      small files like these

If your variables were a lot larger or you had fewer variables per file
or the variables were multidimensional, nccopy might be able to achieve
better compression, but the benefit of compressing each chunk of each
variable separately is that you can read a small amount of data out of
the file without uncompressing the whole file.  Only the compressed
chunks of the desired variable need to be uncompressed.

And congratulations on your daughter's marriage. Our daughter, Rachel,
got married last September. It's an exciting time.

Congratulations to her, too!


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