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960326: NCCRE returns negative file id?


> From: Ned Patton <address@hidden>
> Organization: UC Davis
> Keywords: 199603252357.AA09753 netCDF NCCRE
> Subject: NCCRE returns negative file id?

In the above message you wrote:

> What would cause NCCRE to return a negative id value?  I checked 
> everything I could imagine and can not for the life of me figure out 
> what would cause NCCRE to return a negative id.  The rcode return from 
> the NCCRE call is 0.
> e.g.
>       ncidy = nccre(text,ncclob,rcode)
>       write(*,*)
>       write(*,*) 'ncidy = ',ncidy
>       write(*,*) 'text  = ',text
>       write(*,*) 'rcode = ',rcode
> Any help would be appreciated.

NCCRE() will return a -1 for the netCDF ID if an error occurs, but in
this case the rcode argument should be non-zero.  Conversely, if the
rcode argument is zero, then the value of the NCCRE() function should
be non-negative.

With respect, are you sure what you think is happening is actually
happening?  If so, then would you please send me the following:

    If your system is a UNIX one:

        1.  Output from running the configure script that installed your
            netCDF package.

        2.  The file `config.log' created by the configure script.

        3.  Output from executing the command `make test'.

    Otherwise, a specification of your system and as much information as
    you can muster together.

I'd also like the smallest possible version of a program that
illustrates the problem.

Please respond in any case.

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>