Hi Tom- > Full Name: Tom Coleman > Email Address: address@hidden > Organization: Australian Bureau of Meteorology > Package Version: > Operating System: > Hardware: > Description of problem: I'm looking for some code in Java which converts > McIDAS grids to netCDF files. I know it can be done as I can do it using your > ToolsUI application, but as I'm very inexperienced with Java I'm not sure how > to do it. Below is some code that will read a McIDAS grid file and write out a CF compliant netCDF file. The program is attached. It will only work with McIDAS grid files where all the grids have the same projection. I don't have a simple solution for multi-projection cases. Most of the classes are in the ucar.nc2.dt.grid package: System.out.println("Reading from: " + args[0]); GridDataset gridDs = GridDataset.open (args[0]); List<GridDatatype> grids = gridDs.getGrids(); List<String> gridNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (GridDatatype grid : grids) { gridNames.add(grid.getName()); } System.out.println("Writing to: " + args[1]); NetcdfCFWriter ncOut = new NetcdfCFWriter(); ncOut.makeFile(args[1], gridDs, gridNames, null, null, true, 0, 0, 0); This can actually be used to write any kind of grid file that the netCDF-Java handles (McIDAS, GRIB 1&2, netCDF, GEMPAK) with the same caveat that there can be only one projection. You could subset the grids by choosing specific names (above selects all grids) and subset by lat/lon etc. See the javadoc on ucar.nc2.dt.grid.NetcdfFileWriter at: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf-java/v4.1/javadocAll/index.html Don Murray Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: VKX-901266 Department: Support netCDF Java Priority: Normal Status: Open
Description: Binary data