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[netCDF #NPP-336771]: Netcdf 4 question, parallel IO

> OK, I changed the call to:
>       status   = nf90_put_var (gio_files(ifile)%fileID, &
>                               timevid,                 &
>                               the_time,                &
>                               start=start_time, count=count_time)
> And the compiler responds with:
> ftn -O -c -I/usr/local/include -I./ -I
> /scratch/scratchdirs/mhowison/netcdf-4.0.1/include  io_write_netcdf4.F90
> /opt/cray/xt-asyncpe/2.3/bin/ftn: INFO: linux target is being used
> PGF90-S-0155-Could not resolve generic procedure nf90_put_var
> (io_write_netcdf4.F90: 1870)
>   0 inform,   0 warnings,   1 severes, 0 fatal for gio_update_time_field
> I have tried various permutations of this call, and nothing compiles.
> The only way I can seem to get this to compile is bu dropping the start
> and count arguments completely.

Try instead using a syntax something like this, to let the compiler
know which arguments match the array arguments it knows about:

       status   = nf90_put_var (gio_files(ifile)%fileID, &
                               timevid,                 &
                               the_time,                &
                               start = (/ start_time /), &
                               count = (/ count_time /) )

If that doesn't work, you may also have to put the_time in similar
array quotes (I don't know what Fortran calls them):

       status   = nf90_put_var (gio_files(ifile)%fileID, &
                               timevid,                  &
                               (/ the_time /),           &
                               start = (/ start_time /), &
                               count = (/ count_time /) )

This worked on a modification of one of our netCDF-4 examples in the
source distribution:


to make it look like the program you have described.

I've attached the modified example, which seems to compile and work
fine for netCDF-4 using an f95 compiler.


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NPP-336771
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed

Attachment: akbug.f90
Description: Binary data