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Re: 20050627: NetCDF to ascii table

Unidata Support <address@hidden> writes:

> ------- Forwarded Message
>>To: <address@hidden>
>>From: "David Fitzgerald" <address@hidden>
>>Subject: NetCDF to ascii table 
>>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>>Keywords: 200506272019.j5RKJpNi028612
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> Hi,
> =20
> I have some data in NetCDF format that I need to convert to ascii.  I am
> aware of ncdump and ncks, but I don't see how they can help me in my
> case.  The data I have is from a WRF output and is for multiple times
> and levels, and I need to pull out four variables for only one
> time/level.  Ideally I'd like to pull out , XLAT, XLONG, RAINNC and W
> for each grid point in the file, and put the data in an ascii text file
> in a tabular form such as:
> =20
> XLAT(0) XLONG(0) RAINNC(0) W(0)
> XLAT(1) XLONG(1) RAINNC(1) W(1)
> XLAT(2) XLONG(2) RAINNC(2) W(2)
>    Etc.
> =20
> I can only get ncdump and ncks to print the variables out one at a time.
> Is there a script/utility out there that can do this already, or do I
> need to write my own code?   And I HATE writing code!   :-)
> =20
> Thanks for any help you can give!
> =20
> Dave
> =20
> =20
> *********************************************
> David Fitzgerald
> Distributed System Specialist II
> Millersville University
> Millersville PA 17551
> Phone: 717-871-2394
> Fax:     717-871-4725
> E-mail: address@hidden
> =20
> Oh, so they have internet on computers now!=20
>                                          -- Homer Simpson


For tool information I suggest you look at:

There's a much longer list here:

If you hate programming, you really will want to get some tools
besides ncdump/ncgen.

Good luck! Let me know if you need more help.

Ed Hartnett  -- address@hidden