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Re: netCDF and Finite Element models
- Subject: Re: netCDF and Finite Element models
- Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 10:50:18 -0600
i think if you post this to address@hidden you should find out
who else has worked on it. (You should join first at
It would help me if you can summarize the characteristics of finite element
data models. Netcdf files are efficiently subsetted by being simple n-dim
arrays, and so fancy schemas sometimes sacrifice efficiency. I would be
happy to work with you and others to try to come up with a std format.
----- Original Message -----
From: "CJ" <address@hidden>
To: "John Caron" <address@hidden>; "Steven C Hankin"
<address@hidden>; "Jon Callahan" <address@hidden>
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 10:20 AM
Subject: netCDF and Finite Element models
> Hi John,
> Steve Hankin suggested chatting with you about our interest in creating
> a standard netCDF format for Finite Element models. We are working on
> developing rapid access to coastal nowcast/forecast circulation models
> so that I can use them in my oil spill trajectory model. Automated
> tools for subsectioning the data for my needs would allow me to use the
> data at the odd times I may be called in during a response. Turns out
> most of the coastal models are finite element, and all so far have their
> own unique output formats. Creating a standard format would allow us to
> make the second part of the problem (their data in std format
> subsectioned for our models) much easier.
> Do you know of anyone who has done this or worked on it?
> Best regards,
> CJ
> CJ Beegle-Krause, Ph.D.
> Physical Oceanographer
> NOAA/ORR Hazardous Materials Response