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Re: 20020118: Installation problem: GMT/netCDF/C++?

>To: address@hidden
>From: rrb <address@hidden>
>Subject: Installation problem: GMT/netCDF/C++?
>Organization: USGS
>Keywords: 200201182035.g0IKZgx28377 netCDF C++ GMT

Hi Bob,

> Paul Wessel of GMT responded to my email below:
> "Seems to be a problem with the C++ bindings in netCDF.  I suggest
> you check with the netcdf people at Unidata (www.unidata.ucar.edu);
> it may be a FAQ.  It is not a GMT problem."
> I did not notice anything in a few FAQ's I looked at. Any
> suggestions?

Yes, if you are only building and installing the netCDF library for
use with GMT, which as far as I know does not use the C++ or
Fortran-90 netCDF interfaces, you can specify not to build and install
those interfaces by setting the appropriate environment variables
before configuring and building the netCDF library:


You can rebuild the library without these interfaces by removing the
"config.cache" file, invoking "make clean", setting the above
environment variables explicitly to the empty string, and then
re-invoking the "configure" script.

The C++ support will be fixed in the next release to work with
standard++ C compilers that use namespaces.  If you still need the C++
interface, write back telling what version of "g++" you are using, and
I'll try to provide the fixes needed to compile with that version ...



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu