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Re: 20050301: Trouble in configuring NetCDF 3.6.0

Sheo Shanker Prasad <address@hidden> writes:

> Dear Ed,
> Fantastic. Although I do not understand it, It worked. 


> What was the problem then, because I was making all legitimate
> options.

I would venture to say that you were not!

> ALSO, does it mean that it objecting to creating a 64-bit code (-m64)? Is 
> there any way to ascertain whether the library files in /lib or the ncdump or 
> ncgen created now are 64 bit or 32 bit? 

Without the -m64, it means a 32-bit compile. I suggest you repeat the
build (do a "make distclean") first, and try setting the flags to just
-m64, without setting anything else.

> I am asking these in order to intelligently integrate the  libnetcdf.a*  
> libnetcdf_c++.a*  with the main programs that will almost always be in 
> 64-bit.
> Thanks again.
> Sheo

As you can imagine, we don't have every brand of compiler out
there. Absoft is one of the ones that we don't have, so I can't help
you out much further, because I simply don't know!

However, if -m64 works, please let me know so I can note it on the web

And if not, well, we'll just keep trying.


> On Tuesday March 1 2005 1:04 pm, you wrote:
>> Try setting the env vars like they are set here:
>> http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/netcdf/other-builds.html#absoft
> -- 
> Best regards.
> Sheo
> (Sheo S. Prasad)
> Creative Research Enterprises
> 6354 Camino del Lago
> Pleasanton, CA 94566, USA
> Voice Phone: (+1) 925 426-9341
> Fax   Phone: (+1) 925 426-9417
> e-mail: address@hidden

Ed Hartnett  -- address@hidden