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Re: Hola, I have a DODS question for you

James Gallagher wrote:

On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 16:33, Dale Theriot wrote:
I met you on June 10th at a geospatial software mindshare here at Stennis
put together by John Lever, NAVOCEANO.

I work with Diamond Data Systems, Inc. and I engineered the NAVO DOS
services for tying together many data services and providing a searchable
mechanism for parsing JMBL (Joint METOC Brokerage Language) and discovering
the proper data service and providing lists of responses. I made a short
Hi Dale.

I have been doing some work trying to use the Unidata NetCDF API to interact
with the URL's provided by a DODS server. I have been unable to use the URI
constructor argument for the ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile(java.net.URL url)
successfully with the URL provided by the DODS server. One such URL that I
have tried to use is:

If I use
http://pdas.navo.navy.mil/data/WAM/australia/WAM-australia-2004060712.nc, it
works, but I believe that by using this URL, I am pointing directly to the
NetCDF file and not to the DODS object like I should.
Right, you want to use the first URL.

Interestingly enough, if I use the first URL, which I believe is the correct
one to use (the URL provided by the DODS server), in an ncBrowse
application, it works correctly and is able to interpret the returned stream
like it should.
Right. I'm going to send this question over to John Caron, who is the
author of the Java-NetCDF interface and should have an answer for you.
Unfortunately, I don't have much experience at all with the Java side of
the project (at least with the details) since the C++ side takes more
than all of my time...

John, what's up here?
I have been able to determine that I can't use the DODS-provided URL as the
constructor argument for the ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile class. Do you have any
pointers? What part of the Unidata NetCDF API can I use to properly leverage
the URI's generated by the DODS server for its data?

I really appreciate any help that you can lend.

Dale Theriot
Diamond Data Systems, Inc.
hi dale:

your problem is that ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile doesnt know about dods. The URL constructor is for serving netcdf files over HTTP.
you want to use ucar.nc2.dods.DODSNetcdfFile( URL) or more generally,

ucar.nc2.dataset.Dataset.factory() which can handle both regular netcdf and also dods urls.