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960605: NetCDF installation, Linux


> To: address@hidden
> cc: Susana Pires Vilanova <address@hidden>
> Subject: Re: 960604: NetCDF installation, Linux 
> Organization: ?
> Keywords: 199605241503.AA18983 netCDF install Linux

In the above message you wrote:

> I do not understand what you mean by 'apply the enclosed pach to the file...'
> Sould I copy the path and paste it in to the begin of the master.mk.in ?
> Can you explain me what am I suppose to do?

Since you're installing software, I thought you would know how to patch
files.  Sorry, my mistake.

Would you please do the following:

    1.  Extract the `patch' that was enclosed in my previous message
        into the new file `patchfile' in the `port/' subdirectory of the
        netCDF distribution.

    2.  Go into the `port/' subdirectory.

    3.  Execute the following command:

            patch <patchfile

        You should obtain output like the following:

            ~/upc/netcdf/src/port: patch <patch        
            Hmm...  Looks like a new-style context diff to me...
            The text leading up to this was:
            |Index: master.mk.in
            |RCS file: /upc/share/CVS/udport/master.mk.in,v
            |retrieving revision 1.30
            |retrieving revision 1.31
            |diff -c -r1.30 -r1.31
            |*** 1.30       1996/05/02 15:46:22
            |--- 1.31       1996/05/07 15:14:13
            Patching file master.mk.in using Plan A...
            Hunk #1 succeeded at 1.
            Hunk #2 succeeded at 16.
            Hunk #3 succeeded at 146.
            Hunk #4 succeeded at 251.
            Hunk #5 succeeded at 320.
            Hunk #6 succeeded at 352.
            Hunk #7 succeeded at 384.
            Hunk #8 succeeded at 467.
            Hunk #9 succeeded at 499.

        This indicates that the patch was successfully applied to the
        file `master.mk.in'.

    4.  Go up one directory level to the top-level, netCDF, source 

    5.  Execute the command `./config.status'.  You should obtain output
        like the following:

            ~/upc/netcdf/alpha-osf1_3.2/src: ./config.status
            creating Makefile
            creating xdr/Makefile
            creating libsrc/Makefile
            creating fortran/Makefile
            creating cxx/Makefile
            creating ncgen/Makefile
            creating ncdump/Makefile
            creating nctest/Makefile
            creating doc/Makefile
            creating port/master.mk
            creating port/Makefile
            creating libsrc/local_nc.h
            libsrc/local_nc.h is unchanged
            expanding `include's in file `Makefile'
            expanding `include's in file `xdr/Makefile'
            expanding `include's in file `libsrc/Makefile'
            expanding `include's in file `fortran/Makefile'
            expanding `include's in file `cxx/Makefile'
            expanding `include's in file `ncgen/Makefile'
            expanding `include's in file `ncdump/Makefile'
            expanding `include's in file `nctest/Makefile'
            expanding `include's in file `doc/Makefile'
            expanding `include's in file `port/master.mk'
            expanding `include's in file `port/Makefile'

        This indicates that the makefiles were successfully recreated.

    6.  Execute the command `make install'.  Trap the output in case a
        problem occurs.

Please let me know if this helps.

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>