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Unidata Support: 20011119: message from Mary Haley CCed to Paquita Zuidema
- Subject: Unidata Support: 20011119: message from Mary Haley CCed to Paquita Zuidema
- Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 19:07:20 -0700
------- Forwarded Message
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 16:44:37 -0700
From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: 20011119: message from Mary Haley CCed to Paquita Zuidema
This is an FYI. All that is needed is a forw to bitbucket and CC to
------- Forwarded Message
>To: address@hidden (Paquita Zuidema)
>cc: address@hidden
>From: Mary Haley <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: netcdf-3.5.1-beta
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200111192241.fAJMf0N03898
> Hi Mary,
> I have a question and a comment re. netcdf-3.5.1-beta. I am installing
> it today because I'm
> using a program that asks for it. One module it asks for is
> "typesizes.mod", yet, that does not
> seem to become created by my installation. Another user here at ETL (Tim
> Schneider) mentioned that
> it might be a problem with the makefile, and that I should contact you.
> Does my question ring a
> bell for you ? The installation ostensibly went fine, I did not see
> any errors or warnings with the
> make statements that alerted me to anything.
Dear Paquita Zuidema,
While I'm not the maintainer of the netCDF software, I do build and
install it for our local users at NCAR. I'm not sure why the
"typesizes.mod" file doesn't get installed automatically. I just
ended up copying it over myself, to the same directory that it
installed "netcdf.mod". It should be in the directory "src/f90" after
you build netCDF. Please note that in some cases the filename might
be in uppercase, like "TYPESIZES.MOD".
> The other thing I thought I might mention is that I could not link to
> the netcdf-3.5.1-beta version
> through your unidata website, but rather found it on your ftp site
> through a Google search. Just
> thought you might like to know.
Which website were you trying it from? I usually go to:
and then click on the link to "a compressed tar file" that's in that
first paragraph. I just tried it, and it worked for me. You might
need to right click on the link and then select the "Save link as"
option to download it.
But, come to think of it, I don't know which version this is. To make
sure you are getting 3.5.1-beta, you might try going directory to the
ftp site at:
and there you should see the "netcdf-3.5.1-beta.tar.Z" file, which is
I will CC the netCDF folks on your inquiries, in case they have some
wisdom on the "typesizes.mod" file and why it doesn't get installed
> Thank you much, Paquita Zuidema
> --
> ******************************************
> Paquita Zuidema
> NOAA/Environmental Technology Lab
> Mail Code R/ET6
> DSRC Room 3B708
> 325 Broadway
> Boulder, CO 80305-3328
> phone: 303-497-4284 fax: 303-497-6181
> email: address@hidden
> ******************************************
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