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Re: "Remik Ziemlinski": NetCDF4 1.0

> From:    "Remik Ziemlinski" <address@hidden>
> Subject: NetCDF4 1.0
> To:      address@hidden
> Date:    Tue, 10 Aug 2004 14:12:16 -0400
> Hi Russ,
> I see that the Test Deployment version is nearly complete.  How (soon)
> could my lab access the development versions of the library?  Any 
> previews of the interface are definitely a bonus.  We're heavy users of 
> NetCDF, so any news will help me relieve the locals; the 2GB record 
> limit is causing something short of a panic.  Thanks,
> -- 
> Remik Ziemlinski                        Raytheon Company
> NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab.    Remik.Ziemlinski at noaa d0t gov
> P.O. Box 308                            1.609.452.6500 ext. 6977
> Princeton, NJ 08542 USA                 1.609.987.5063 fax

Hello Remik,

Are you mostly interested in working with very large files?

The next release of netCDF, version 3.6, will be released shortly, and
introduces a new data format, 64-bit offset mode, which allows the
creation of very large files, although there are still some size

Version 3.6, which introduces the 64-bit offset format, is still
several versions away from NetCDF 4.0, which will allow a third
format, HDF5, to be accessed with the netCDF interface. This will also
allow multiple unlimited dimensions, as well as some other new

If you are primarily interested in creating large files with netCDF,
then you should try version 3.6.0, which is available in beta on the
ftp site, and pass the new flag NC_64BIT_OFFSET to the nc_open cmode

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Ed Hartnett