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Re: [netcdfgroup] Uppercase file name extensions: netcdf.MOD etc.

Dave Allured wrote:
Dave Allured wrote:
Dave Allured wrote:
Ed Hartnett wrote:


Here is a related problem in the Netcdf 3.6.3 configure script. Under "checking if Fortran 90 compiler capitalizes .mod filenames":
if test -f CONFTEST.mod ; then

my test case returns True when it should be False. This is because the case insensitivity affects this usage. At this point, gfortran had actually made conftest.mod with the correct lower case file name.
FWIW, this sounds like the usual issue with the Mac filesystem rather than gfortran, or 
the netcdf configure. IIRC the default Mac filesystem (at least, under Leopard) is case 
insensitive, but case preserving. I believe (but could be wrong) that the correct result 
of the above test should be true since for the default Mac filesystem (again, at least 
under Leopard) "CONFTEST.mod" and "conftest.mod" are indistinguishable.
Posts to comp.lang.fortran about this issue in the past have highlighted cases where 
people were compiling *.F90 code (i.e. Fortran source that used the C preprocessor) and 
that the original *.F90 code gets *overwritten* by the subsequently processed *.f90 files. 
It's happened to me too -- all I can say is thank goodness for Subversion. :o)
I believe there is an option to set up the Mac filesystems so they are case sensitive. But 
you probably have to reformat (or whatever the correct terminology is) your harddrives. :o(


g5s2:/tmp/dallured/copy-debug 121> ls -l conftest* CONFTEST*
-rw-r--r-- 1 dallured wheel  52 Oct  7 11:26 conftest.f90
-rw-r--r-- 1 dallured wheel 420 Oct  7 11:26 conftest.mod

How about something like this instead:

if `ls -1 conftest.mod` = CONFTEST.mod ; then

Now this may or may not be the root of the final problem. I suspect that gfortran is actually making correct lowercase module file names, but something later in make or install is changing them. I did not track it down that far. What do you think?
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