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20031229: compiles OK but doesn't link on OS X


> To: address@hidden
> From: Matt Hipsey <address@hidden>
> Subject: compiles OK but doesn't link on OS X
> Organization: ?
> Keywords: netCDF MacOS-X IBM XL Fortran

The above message contained the following:

> I am trying to compile a large program that requires the netCDF  
> libraries under MAC OS X using the IBM XL Fortran compiler.

Congratulations!  You're the first one (that I know of) using this
platform and compiler combination.  (Probably not what you wanted to
hear :-)

> I originally downloaded the precompiled libnetcdf.a for OSX but it did  
> not link properly:
> /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
> _nf_inq_varid
> _nf_get_var_text

Figures.  That binary was compiled using a different Fortran compiler --
so it's not too surprising that the naming-conventions for the Fortran
routines differ.

> I therefore downloaded the netcdf_3.5.0 source and it would not  
> compile. I saw another message that recommended the new 3.5.1 beta so i  
> tried with that. It then compiled correctly (provided I used the C flag  
> -Df2cFortran ??) and generated a libnetcdf.a file, but still gave me  
> the same error as above (even though I specified the FC and F90  
> compiler to be the same (xlf95) as for the main program. Below is the  
> configure, compile and test logs.

By the way, you need to learn how to simultaneously redirect both the
standard output and the standard error of a command to the same logfile
(as the instructions request) so that error messages that you report
appear just after the command that has a problem.  How this is done
depends on your user-shell, e.g.,

    command >file.log 2>&1


    command >&! file.log

This can make diagnosing problems MUCH faster.

Would you please (re)send me the files "configure.log", "make.log", and
"test.log" using the simultaneous redirection described above.  Remember
to do a "make distclean" first.  When you define the environment
variable CPPFLAGS, please don't include the string "-Df2cFortran" -- I
want to see what the package does without any help.

> Any help is much appreciated,
> Cheers
> Matt Hipsey

Steve Emmerson