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961230: Fortran compile problem


> To: address@hidden
> cc: address@hidden
> From: Chim Kin Sang <address@hidden>
> Subject: Fortran compile problem
> Organization: .
> Keywords: 199612300835.BAA24891

In the above message you wrote:

>       I try to write my own code on accessing the netCDF file. I have
> follow the instruction to install the netCDF. But when I compile it. The
> error message come out. Can you give me a hand.
>       Following is my testing code
> cccccc
> c     access.f
> c
> c     To access the aws data in netcdf format
> cccccc
>        include 'netcdf.inc'
> c
> c
> c NCID   : ID for netCDF file
> c NDIMS  : ID for dimensions
> c NVARS  : ID for variables
> c NGATTS  : no. of global attributes defined for the variable
> c RECDIM : ID for unlimited dimension
> c RCODE  : return error code, 0=no error
> c
> c open a netcdf fiel for access
> c
>       NCID=NCOPN('aws.940703.000000.cdf', NCNOWRIT, RCODE)
> c
> c inquire about the opened netCDF file
> c
> c
>       write(*,*)'NCID=',NCIDf77 access.f
>       write(*,*)'NDIMS=',NDIMS
>       write(*,*)'NVARS=',NVARS
>       write(*,*)'NGATTS=',NGATTS
>       write(*,*)'RECDIM=',RECDIM
>       write(*,*)'RCODE=',RCODE
> c close the netCDF file
> c
>       call NCCLOS(NCID,RCODE)
> c
>       end
> - --------------------------------------------------------------
>       And the error message is
> f77 access.f
> ld:
> Unresolved:
> ncopn_
> ncinq_
> ncclos_
>       It seems that I have some path name or some file haven't been
> installed. But I cannot find the problem. Moreover, did the netcdf.inc
> include statement got mistake?
>                               Thanks
>                                               Jim

It appears that the linker couldn't find the netCDF FORTRAN routines.
This is probably because the command to link your program together
didn't reference the netCDF library.  On a UNIX system, this is usually
done via the `-L' and `-l' options to the linker or compiler.  For

    cc myprog.o -L/usr/local/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf

Please let me know if this helps.

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>