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[netCDF #WDH-862904]: Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data: User-contributed Software
- Subject: [netCDF #WDH-862904]: Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data: User-contributed Software
- Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 20:46:43 -0600
It looks like there are several tools described here. Could you
provide a separate short paragraph for each one?
> I'm not sure if this is the appropriate venue, but wanted to share some
> software tools that are freely available for dealing with NetCDF files
> using CF conventions. If you see fit on including a summary on the
> User-Contributed Software page on the Unidata website (
> https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/software.html#user), we would
> appreciate it.
> ------
> Joint Ecosystem Modeling (JEM) was established to meet the challenge of
> getting ecological models and tools into the hands of users. JEM is a
> partnership among federal and state agencies, universities and other
> organizations which is currently funded by the USGS Priority Ecosystem
> Science program, the Everglades National Park, and the Peninsular Florida
> Landscape Conservation Cooperative.
> Some of the freely-available software at https://www.jem.gov/Modeling
> includes:
> - EverVIEW Data Viewer: similar to IDV, allows visualization of NetCDF
> time series grids on an Earth model, includes table viewer and charting
> summaries, as well as location tracking (click to see value),
> synchronization of views, and other manipulation tools within the software
> (further described in EverVIEW Extensions link).
> - Slice and Dice: GUI tool to subset NetCDF datasets by time and spatial
> constraints, including shapefiles & kml.
> - Data Converter: utility to convert GeoTiff and ERDAS Imagine files to
> NetCDF datasets
> - NetCDF to CSV Converter: utility to export time series data from
> NetCDF grid variables to CSV, including time stamp, location, and data
> value information for each cell
> - Miscellaneous ecological modeling software primarily used in
> Everglades restoration & planning activities that operate on NetCDF grids
> of hydrologic data (e.g. stage, depth)
> All of the software applications require the installation of Java.
> Thank you,
> - Mark
> Mark McKelvy
> Computer Scientist
> Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
> U.S. Geological Survey
> Email: address@hidden
> Phone: 337-412-4649
> Profile: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/mark-mckelvy
=Dennis Heimbigner
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WDH-862904
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Emergency
Status: Open
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