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[netCDF #AFX-418795]: Writing data into netcdf file from multiple processors at a time


You will need to use 'parallel-netcdf' for netCDF3 files; if you are working 
with netCDF4 files ,you will need to install parallel-hdf5.  netCDF4 uses the 
HDF5 library for file I/O.  If libhdf5 was installed with parallel I/O support, 
you should not need to do anything extra with netCDF.  

I hope this information is helpful,


> Hi support,
> I am executing cloud simulation on PALM (Parallelized LES model). That
> simulation require 100 processors for execution. I want to write the output
> data generated by all the processors in to a single file i.e single netcdf
> file. Only one file (netcdf file) should be opened for each one of the
> processor by constrain of offset.
> --
> Thanks and regards,
> Sachin

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: AFX-418795
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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