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Re: CDM Governanance

Hi Greg:

So you have some other software that just happens to be called CDM?

To answer your question, we dont have an explicit governance model. The software is free OSS on github that anyone can fork, with an MIT license. Mostly people give us pull requests which we accept if there are no conflicts. Issues are submittted on the public email list, the private support webapp, or on JIRA issue tracking.

Unidata "owns" the project and we decide on priorities for our own development. We have a steering committee to help us set priorities. There have been significant contributions by other groups, especialy for THREDDS, which is the server that uses the CDM.

CDM is a software library used by other projects, but controlled by Unidata. We use XSD for validating XML and use REST APIs in THREDDS, but not WSDL.


On 12/11/2013 9:08 AM, John Caron wrote:
On 12/11/2013 8:33 AM, Greg Monahan wrote:
Sorry, CDM = Common Data Model.

I saw that you edited the Unidata's Common Data Model Version 4 page at

and was wondering what governance model you used to manage change/risk
while providing interoperability/growth. This can be as detailed as
XSD versioning all the way up to WSDL and requirements vetting.
Any/all ideas are desired.

Greg Monahan

From: John Caron <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>
Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 10:17 AM
To: Greg Monahan <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>
Subject: Re: CDM Governanance

On 12/11/2013 8:12 AM, Greg Monahan wrote:
Mr. Caron:

We are in the process of constructing governance for managing
change/risk in our CDM. What governance processes/standards are
Unidata using to manage your CDM?

Thanks in advance,

Greg Monahan
Federal Solutions Group
Life Cycle Engineering <http://www.lce.com>
Best Places to Work <http://www.lce.com>

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what is your "CDM?"

So when you say "your CDM", do you mean that you have a fork of "my
CDM", or something else?