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20041201: Unneeded line in netcdf-3.5.1 library test program (fwd)


This problem should be fixed in the latest (beta) version of the netCDF
package, which is available at


Don't be put-off by the "beta" designation.

Otherwise, if you don't want to use the latest version, then you should
modify the file nf_test/nf_test.F, replacing

    #if defined(VISUAL_CPLUSPLUS)
    !       DIGITAL Visual Fortran needs DFLIB for getarg
            USE DFLIB
    !       DIGITAL Visual Fortran needs DFPORT for iargc
            USE DFPORT
            implicit        none
            implicit        none
            integer         iargc


    #if defined(VISUAL_CPLUSPLUS)
    !       DIGITAL Visual Fortran needs DFLIB for getarg
            USE DFLIB
    !       DIGITAL Visual Fortran needs DFPORT for iargc
            USE DFPORT
            implicit        none
    #elif defined(NAGf90Fortran)
            USE F90_UNIX_ENV, only : iargc, getarg
            implicit        none
            implicit        none
            integer         iargc

This is a better solution than simply removing the "integer" declaration
of "iargc" (it's used as a function).

Steve Emmerson

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------- Original Message

>To: address@hidden
>From: "Jonathan T. Parker" <address@hidden>
>Subject: Unneeded line in netcdf-3.5.1 library test program
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200412011414.iB1EEHlI026835


I was attempting to compile netcdf-3.5.1 on my Linux NAG machine.

Anyway, I was having trouble with src/nf_test/nf_test.F

I got the following:
f95 -o nf_test -g -mismatch -w=unused -DNAGf90Fortran -ieee=full -I
/usr/local/lib/fl90_modules  test_get.o test_put.o nf_error.o nf_test.o
test_read.o test_write.o util.o fortlib.o ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a  -lm
nf_test.o(.text+0x24a): In function `main':
undefined reference to `getarg_'
test.F:320: undefined reference to `iargc_'
test.F:325: undefined reference to `getarg_'
test.F:337: undefined reference to `getarg_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [nf_test] Error 1

So I searched around the web and found the following note on the web

!       JTP inserted December 1, 2004.
!       The NAG fortran compiler needed an additional module.
        USE F90_UNIX_ENV
!        NAGWare f95 Compiler
!       http://www.jcu.edu.au/archives/postgrad-bulletins/msg02684.shtml
!       The NAGWare f95 Compiler provides access to a large number of
!       system calls. Two popular examples of these are facilities to
!       command line arguments and the ability to execute operating
!       commands. Access to the Posix functions is by use of the
!       built-in module.
!       In order to find out the number of command line arguments
!       (by calling IARGC) and to get the arguments themselves
!       (by calling GETARG) it is first necessary to use the
!       F90_UNIX_ENV module, e.g.
!       Similarly the SYSTEM routine, which passes a string to the
!       processor for execution, is in the F90_UNIX_PROC module.
!       Seven modules providing more than 60 Posix procedures covering
!       directories, files, environment and processes are available.
!       These are fully documented in the manual, on-line and at
!       http://www.nag.co.uk/nagware/np/r41_doc/Index.asp.
!       JTP end insertion December 1, 2004

After implementing this, I received the following errors:
[jtparker@athlon3 nf_test]$ make test
+ f95 -c -g -mismatch -w=unused -DNAGf90Fortran -ieee=full -I
/usr/local/lib/fl90_modules nf_test.F
Error: nf_test.F, line 136: Redeclaration of symbol IARGC from USEd
       detected at INTEGER@IARGC
[f95 terminated - errors found by pass 1]
make: *** [nf_test.o] Error 2

This is the reason for my letter.
In the file nf_test.F, the variable iargc is declared as an integer, but
never used. I am no Fortran wizard, but it looks unneeded.
Is this correct? If so, then I think that you should remove the line
from your code.
I have commented out the line in my working version of the netCDF

Please let me know if this is the correct.


Jonathan T. Parker <address@hidden>
Dept. of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences
University of Michigan
Computer Science Support

------- End of Original Message