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[netCDF #AZO-523030]: netCDF text attribute question

Hello Roman,

We received your message via Unidata's "Please Contact Me" web form. Your 
message is copied below.

I have entered your question in Unidata's e-mail support system so it can be 
addressed by one of our software engineers. In the future, if you send messages 
directly to "address@hidden" we will be able to respond more quickly.

Thank you,
Doug Dirks
Unidata Community Services

Your message:


I work with necdf.dll in program language C# , I wan read text in attribute , I 
can read double , float , int ....  , I can read  attribute with one word 
example "T", but if attribute include long word example  "TIME" I get out 
symbol  "?" question mark.

I read global attribudes:

 char* text = stackalloc char[3];

 nc_get_att_text(band, -1, "facility_or_tool", text); 

text[0]  - this is firs word but I get symbol "?"

Sorry for my bad english:)

Thanks for help.