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Re: 970107: how to change data in a variable

> From: "R. Bauer" <address@hidden>
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: Re: 970107: how to change data in a variable


> Is it possible to delete a parameter like an attribute?

No, netCDF attributes may be deleted, but variables and dimensions can't.

The reasons for this difference include:

 - attributes are in-memory structures (after a file is opened)
   typically much smaller than variables in the file, so garbage
   collection is not necessary when an attribute is deleted;

 - attributes are referred to by name rather than by ID, but deleting a
   variable or dimension would require that subsequent IDs change (by
   subtracting 1)

 - attributes have no associated dimensions or attributes, so deleting
   one doesn't affect other netCDF objects.

More detailed descriptions of the netCDF data model and the differences
between variables and attributes are available in the netCDF User's
Guide, and on-line at:


Please send netCDF questions to the address@hidden email
address.  That way your questions will be answered even if I happen to
be away from my email.  Thanks!



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu