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Re: Bug in DataSource

Sorry, Roland, this one slipped through.

BTW, if you send email to

it goes into an issue tracker and is less likely (but still possible) to be 

The main problem with answering these quickly is when I cant reproduce the 
problem. Then I have to think about it, and thats a limited resource :^(


** unknown netCDF error code: -31

seems to be coming from the netcdf C library ?? I dont understand how that 
could come from the java library.

Roland Schweitzer wrote:

I'm getting ready to go to Seattle next week and meet with Steve and the gang. I mentioned a while back that I think there is a bug in the DataSource implementation such that the OPeNDAP constraint expressions don't get property decoded as they do for a request that flows directly through to the IOSP. I'd like to be able to report at least that I've heard back from you on this topic even if it's to say you think I'm all wet and you doubt there is a bug.