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Re: IOSP error

John Caron wrote:
> Needham, Sheila wrote:
>> John,
>> Sample Nimrod file attached.  Each file contains a series of header/data
>> blocks; the headers are always 512 bytes, the data length varies; each
>> block is preceded and terminated by a 4 byte integer length.
>> I'm a bit confused about where the IOSP is loaded depending on how I
>> access data.  When I run my client application on a remote file using
>> HTTP like this:
>> NetcdfFile.open("http://localhost:8080/thredds/fileServer/main_global/ni
>> mrod.data"); I assume I'm loading the IOSP locally.  That gives the
>> doradeiosp error
>> and then goes on to work.
> yes, local IOSP. are you loading using the
> NetcdfFile.registerIOProvider() or RuntimeConfigParser ?
> it does look like im failing to put those first, which i will fix
> tommorrow. I will also make sure doradeIosp doesnt mistakenly claim this
> file.

I didnt see the problem where the dorade iosp was claiming your file, you may
have an older library

in any case, release has a fix to load user iosps first. let me know
if you see any problems.
