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20000815: netcdf compilation on linux-alpha (fwd)

Takeshi Horinouchi,

> To: address@hidden
> cc: address@hidden
> From: Takeshi Horinouchi <address@hidden>
> Subject: netcdf compilation on linux-alpha
> Organization: Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere (RASC)
> Keywords: 200008080909.e7899hT14928 netCDF Linux-alpha install

The above message contained the following:

> Hello,
> I was able to install netcdf in a way slightly different
> from that noted in the INSTALL file in netcdf-3.5-beta3,
> so I report it here.
> My working environment is 
>   A  Linux wpa1 2.2.16 #2 Wed Jul 26 23:11:19 JST 2000 alpha unknown
>   B  3.4 (and 3.5-beta3 as well)
>   C  /usr/bin/cc /usr/bin/c++ /usr/bin/fort
>   D E F G   attached at the end of the email
>   * versions of compilers
>      # /usr/bin/cc -v
>      Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/alpha-suse-linux/2.95.2/specs
>      gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
>      # /usr/bin/c++ -v
>      Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/alpha-suse-linux/2.95.2/specs
>      gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
>      # /usr/bin/fort -version
>      Compaq Fortran V1.0-920
> The INSTALL file in netcdf-3.4 does not have a say on alpha
> linux, but that in netcdf-3.5-beta3 says,
>    Linux aqua 2.2.5-16 #1 Tue Apr 27 04:55:03 EDT 1999 alpha unknown
>        The following was reported to work on an Alpha Linux workstation:
>        CC=/usr/bin/cc
>        CPPFLAGS='-DNDEBUG -Df2cFortran'
>        CFLAGS=-O
>        FC=/usr/bin/fort            # Compaq Fort F77/F90 Compiler
>        FFLAGS=-O
>        CXX=/usr/bin/c++
> This was certainly enough to compile netcdf, but to use it from
> fortran an additional option is needed in FFLAGS as follow:
>         FFLAGS='-O -assume no2underscores'

Odd.  Defining the "f2cFortran" macro should have sufficed to correctly
build the Fortran-77 interface on a Linux system.  It should cause
external C functions like "nf_create" to become "nf_create__" so that
they can be called by Fortran code.

> Without '-assume no2underscores', fort attaches two underscores
> to most of the external functions.

That is as it should be.  The netCDF build process assumes that the
Fortran compiler will convert calls to "nf_create" into calls to
"nf_create__" when the "f2cFortran" macro is defined.  This is not a

> 'make test' FAILS at nf_test 

How?  If it's not too much trouble, would you please do the following:

    1.  Go to the top-level source directory.

    2.  Perform steps 3 through 5 near the end of the INSTALL file.

    3.  Ensure that the environment variable CPPFLAGS contains the
        string "-Df2cFortran".

    4.  Perform steps 6 through 8 near the end of the install file.

I'm particularly interested in the files "configure.log", "make.log",
and "test.log".

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>