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> We have found some problems with new version of FAN software.  I have
> fixed these & as before put into
> ftp:://atmos.dar.csiro.au/netcdf/hld/
> It is no problem to keep up-to-date copy in this ftp directory, but perhaps
> it would make more sense for you to contact me when you are ready to do
> substantial work on FAN to ensure that the version you have is the latest and
> is stable.

Yes, thanks, we'll do that.

By the way, I'm about half-way through reading an interesting paper from
Supercomputing94 that we should probably reference in any FAN/netCDF paper:

    An Efficient Abstract Interface for Multidimensional Array I/O 
    Kent E. Seamons and M. Winslett 

An abstract and link to a Postscript file are available from:

