On 9/28/2010 8:17 AM, Jim Steenburgh wrote:
I can't seem to find the "best time series" option when I access
the NCEP model data with IDV on
"http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/idv/models.xml. I've used it
in the past, but today I don't see it for any of the models. Am I
missing something?
Hi Jim:
the IDV has chosen so far not to expose the best time series. use this
catalog instead:
BTW, we are about to switch to using the TDS 4.2, currently at:
(we will switch to 8080 probably by end of the week)
It has some serious refactoring done on the "time interval" variables
like precipitation, where you saw problems some month ago. There may be
more work to be done on the IDV to correctly display these, so if you
get a chance to look at any of those on 8081, feedback would be