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netcdf c++ classes

Hi Dan,

I'm just starting to look over the changes you sent me for the netCDF C++
interface, and have a couple of questions about changes to ncvalues.hh.

1. In the statement

    #define ncBad_int ncBad_short

   I think this should be 

    #define ncBad_int ncBad_long

   instead, because "ncInt" is intended to be synonymous with "ncLong"
   rather than with "ncShort".

2. In ncvalues.hh, you defined a new member function NcVal::invalid(), but
   the definition you provided makes it appear that either the name should
   be "valid" or the return values should be changed:

    int NcVal(TYPE)::invalid( void ) const                                   \
    {                                                                        \
        for(int i=0;i<the_number;i++)                                        \
            if (the_values[i] == ncBad_ ## TYPE) return 0;                   \
        return 1;                                                            \
    }                                                                        \

    As I read it, this returns 0 if a bad (invalid) value was detected in
    the block of values and 1 if none of the values was bad.  If the return
    value is being treated as a boolean, shouldn't this be the other way