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20040303: NetCDF-3 compilation
- Subject: 20040303: NetCDF-3 compilation
- Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 07:31:20 -0700
>From: Martin Sechny <address@hidden>
>Organization: ?
>Keywords: 200403030817.i238HVrV007347 netCDF C++
>I have compiled NetCDF-3 included in GENESIS v. 2.2.1
>I think that in file "netcdf-3.4/src/configure" might be following
>After executing "./configure/" I can see theese lines:
> configure: Empty CXX variable
> configure: The C++ interface will not be built
>Problem is in line 1089, variable $CXX is not set. I inserted line:
> CXX='c++'
>before line 1089 and it is OK.
The correct way to get the C++ interface to netCDF to build is to
define the Unix environment variable CXX before running configure.
I suggest backing out of the configure edit you did, running
'make distclean', defining CXX:
setenv CXX c++ <- C-shell syntax
export CXX <- conforming shell syntax
and then rerun configure.
>I use Intel Pentium (i586) with Linux Slackware 9.1 (kernel 2.4, gcc
>The C++ compiler is OK.
OK. Setting the Unix CXX environment variable is all you should need
to do.
Tom Yoksas
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