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[netCDFPerl #HVD-259571]: Netcdf-perl install help


> Yes. That was my question. Sorry for being dense. Attached are new log files
> replacing the files that I sent earlier today. They should contain both
> standard output and standard error. I ran a "make clean" and removed
> /perl/Makefile.PL and went through "./configure", "make perl/Makefile",
> "make", "make test"

It appears that the netCDF header-file and library directories weren't
properly referenced before the "configure" script was executed.  Please
try the following:

1.  Go to the top-level source directory.

2.  Execute the command "make distclean".

3.  Ensure that the following environment variables have the indicated

        LD_NETCDF='-L/usr/local/netcdf-3.6.2/lib -lnetcdf'

4.  Execute the "configure" script.

5.  If the previous step succeeds, then execute the command "make".

6.  If the previous step succeeds, then execute the command "make test".

7.  If the previous step succeeds, then execute the command "make install"
    (probably as the superuser).

Please let me know if this helps.

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HVD-259571
Department: Support netCDF Perl
Priority: Normal
Status: On Hold