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Re: 19991015: ncstat error: alternative packages


>Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 10:47:41 -0600 (MDT)
>From: Cristina Kaufman <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/CGD
>To: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 19991015: ncstat error 
>Keywords: 199910151934.NAA29867

In the above message, you wrote:

> Thanks for your reply.  Is there a third-party package that will output
> stats (min,max,mean,number of _FillValue,etc) of a netCDF file?  I've
> looked through the NCO package and didn't see one.  Similar abilities of
> ncstat would be very valuable to my work.
> Thanks
> -Cristina
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Cristina A. Kaufman
>    National Center for Atmospheric Research
>    PO BOX 3000, Boulder, CO  80307-3000        Phone 303.497.1713             
>  Ecosystem Dynamics and the Atmosphere         FAX   303.497.1695
>  Climate and Global Dynamics Division          address@hidden
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

I'm afraid that I haven't looked at or experimented with the packages in


very much.  The only package that I KNOW does statistics is the FAN
package, which is no longer supported I believe.  I'm sure, however,
that other packages mentioned in that list will also do statistics.

I'm afraid that all I could do for you would be to go over the list --
which you should probably do yourself for yourself.

I think Russ Rew is more knowledgeable than I about the packages on the
list (he maintains the list).  I've CC'ed him on this reply.  You might
get a recommendation from him.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>