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20010725: netcdf-3.5 mod file questions


> To: address@hidden
> From: Mary Haley <address@hidden>
> Subject: netcdf-3.5 mod file questions
> Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research
> Keywords: 200107251534.f6PFYo113494 netCDF install

The above message contained the following:

> I'm finally getting ready to install netCDF version 3.5 on several of
> our systems (dataproc, the crays, SCD Suns, the IBMs, prospect etc).
> I have a couple of questions about the *.mod files.  The first is that
> I noticed "typesizes.mod" was not getting installed by default, so I
> started copying it over after the install was finished.  Is this file
> even needed?

It's only needed by programs that use symbols that they (strictly
speaking) shouldn't use.  Having said that, I've modified our
installation procedure to install the typeSizes module file -- so the
safest thing to do is to install it.

> Secondly, on several systems, I have to install both a 32-bit and a
> 64-bit version. We do this by creating directories /usr/local/lib32 and
> /usr/local/lib64, and then just install accordingly.  We usually only
> have one copy of the binaries (ncgen and ncdump) installed to
> /usr/local/bin and one copy of the include files in
> /usr/local/include.  However, I noticed that the *.mod files are
> getting installed to the include directory.  Since you need to have
> both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these files, would you see a
> problem with me installing them in /usr/local/lib{32/64} instead of
> /usr/local/include?  This way I don't have to rename them, which is
> what I would have to do if I put them in /usr/local/include.

That seems OK to me.

I wish there was a standard place for putting Fortran-90 module files
and referencing them -- like there is for C header file.

> Thanks for your time,
> --Mary Haley
>   address@hidden

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>