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[netCDF #KGN-827851]: libnetcdff ??

> New Staff Reply: libnetcdff ??
> Howdy Russ!
> Thanks for finding that! I was sure I mentioned it somewhere, but could
> not find it.
> Of course, rather than post some justification for myself I am more
> interested in finding an answer. ;-)
> As you'll know if your reading your mail in order, I think I have found
> one. Unfortunately it perpetrates a bad practice, but will help modelers
> such as the irate user cited.

Yes, thanks for doing this unsavory thing!

But I have a question.  If someone uses this and has some netCDF f90
code, can they build the f90 library as a separate library that calls
the combined C/f77 library, and link their application to the two
resulting libraries?  I understand that this would be stupid, they
should just build/install the C library first and then the separate
Fortran library and link to those two resulting libraries, I'm just
curious if it would work, for people who have their own netCDF f90
applications to run on a platform where the kluge C/f77 library has been


> Thanks,
> Ed
> -- 
> Ed Hartnett  -- address@hidden
> Ticket Details
> ===================
> Ticket ID: KGN-827851
> Department: Support netCDF
> Priority: Normal
> Status: Open
> Link:  https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/esupport/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=vi
> ewticket&ticketid=18781

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KGN-827851
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Open