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[netCDF #UQF-577483]: Windows NetCDF via Continuum "Conda"

Good morning,

According to our resident Python/Conda expert, the netcdf .dll's provided by 
Conda are built/maintained by the Conda group.  At the very least, they are not 
something we are providing.  

If you are able/willing to, you could probably swap them out for the "release" 
.dll's we provide from our download page, 
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/winbin.html.  I am not 
*recommending* you do this, now that I think about it; the installer packages 
we provide are bundled with dependencies like HDF5, libcurl, etc.  But they are 
available if you can make any use of them.  In the meantime, you might contact 
the Conda maintainer to see if they can switch the build type from Debug to 

I hope this helps,


> Full Name: James Mason
> Email Address: address@hidden
> Organization: Exa Corporation
> Package Version:
> Operating System: Windows
> Hardware: 64 bit
> Description of problem:
> I recently downloaded netcdf in the context of the "Conda" python
> collection - for both 64 bit windows and linux.
> Both downloads proceeded uneventfully, and produced results in the conda
> distribution seemingly as expected.
> I was able to use the linux SO without difficulty, however, I found
> that the windows DLL of netcdf referenced the MSVCR100D.DLL (DEBUG)
> runtime library.
> I'm not sure whether the problem would be out in the conda community or
> more up stream in your hands.   I presume it isn't something you would
> want - and I sure can't use it that way.
> Thanks for your attention...
> -jrm

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UQF-577483
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed