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[netCDF #TIQ-512523]: netCDF file related query


NetCDF files can be accessed from the command line via the netCDF utilities 
(ncdump, nccopy, etc), but that is probably not what you are looking for.  We 
maintain a list of software which can be used to view and analyze netCDF data; 
this is not software maintained by Unidata, but rather software which uses the 
netCDF library.  This list may be viewed here.


I hope this information is helpful, have a great day,


> Respected Sir,
> I am a research scholar in Department of Geography, Kurukshetra University,
> Kurukshetra (India). I have downloaded the data CDC Derived NCEP Reanalysis
> wind data. The downloaded file format is netCDF. Now, how i can read it ? I
> am requesting you to help me. I will be thankfull to you.
> Sincerely,
> Pankaj Bhardwaj

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TIQ-512523
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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