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[netCDF #QBI-894711]: Inability to write a variable to a NETCDF-4 file if its dimension has been defined as unlimited in a parent group

Hello Nalini,

What version of libnetcdf are you using?  Does Matlab use the C library, or the 
Java library?   Can you provide the CDL or binary netCDF file that works, and I 
will make the change from limited to unlimited and try to duplicate this issue 
in the C library.


> Hello team,
> I am a developer at MathWorks who works on netcdf functionality.
> We came across an error from the netcdf library while trying to write a 
> variable to a NETCDF-4 file when its dimension in a parent group has been 
> defined as 'NC_UNLIMITED'. Here is the reproduction code (in MATLAB):
> % Create some example data
> data = 1:10;
> % Choose a filename
> fileName='Test.nc';
> % Create the file
> ncID = netcdf.create(fileName,'NETCDF4');
> % Add unlimited dimension in the root group
> dimID = netcdf.defDim(ncID,'dim1',netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
> % Create groups /group1/group2
> grID = netcdf.defGrp(ncID, 'group1');
> grID = netcdf.defGrp(grID, 'group2');
> % Create a variable var1 in /group1/group2
> varID = netcdf.defVar(grID,'var1','double',dimID);
> % Exit define mode
> netcdf.endDef(grID)
> % Write data to /group1/group2/var1
> netcdf.putVar(grID,varID,0,10,data);
> % Close the file
> netcdf.close(ncID)
> The error encountered is:
> Error using netcdflib
> The NetCDF library encountered an error during execution of 'putVaraDouble' 
> function - 'Start+count exceeds dimension bound
> (NC_EEDGE)'.
> Additional things we have noticed:
> 1.       If we change dim1 to a fixed value,
> dimID = netcdf.defDim(ncID,'dim1',10); ie change NC_UNLIMITED to a fixed 
> dimension
> the code will run fine.
> 2.       Defining dim1 inside group1, mimics the above behavior:
> Fails with dim1 set to NC_UNLIMITED:
> grID = netcdf.defGrp(ncID, 'group1');
> % Add unlimited dimension in group 1
> dimID = netcdf.defDim(grID,'dim1',netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
> Works fine with dim1 set to a fixed dimension:
> grID = netcdf.defGrp(ncID, 'group1');
> % Add fixed dimension in group 1
> dimID = netcdf.defDim(grID,'dim1',10);
> 3.       If we define dim1 (still with NC_UNLIMITED) inside group2, things 
> work fine.
> grID = netcdf.defGrp(ncID, 'group1');
> grID = netcdf.defGrp(grID, 'group2');
> % Add unlimited dimension in group 2
> dimID = netcdf.defDim(grID,'dim1',netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
> 4.       The error we encountered above is the same in case the dimension of 
> the root group is less than the dimension of the variable:
> dimID = netcdf.defDim(ncID,'dim1',8);
> ...
> netcdf.putVar(grID,varID,0,10,data);
> We are trying to understand the following:
> a.       Is this an expected behavior?
> b.       The scenario in the first described case (defined dimension is much 
> greater than the data) is completely opposite to the scenario in case 4 
> (defined dimension is smaller than the data), yet we are getting the same 
> error message. Why?
> c.       Even though the NetCDF documentation 
> (http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/netcdf_data_set_components.html)
>  does not mention any limitations that NC_UNLIMITED dimensions have to be 
> defined in the group itself, are there any limitations?
> I look forward to your reply in order to understand this behavior.
> Thanks,
> Nalini Vishnoi
> MathWorks Inc.

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: QBI-894711
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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