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Re: 20050214:NetCDF 3.6.0 Bug


> >Kevin's 3-line fix 
> >
> >> I added the following to function nc__open_mp():
> >>
> >>    if (fIsSet(ioflags, NC_64BIT_OFFSET)) {
> >>      fSet(ncp->flags, NC_64BIT_OFFSET);
> >>    }
> >
> >is the best way to fix the problem, but I'm still trying to find a way
> >to detect the problem in the normal nc_test code before making a new
> >release.
> The user needs to add NC_64BIT_OFFSET to all nf_open() calls for writing.

That shouldn't be necessary, but thanks for pointing out that your fix
assumes that.  I'm testing a fix that doesn't require the user to know
know whether a file is classic or 64-bit offset variant, but preserves
whatever variant the file had when opened.  It won't hurt to OR in the
NC_64BIT_OFFSET on open, but it won't be required.
