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Re: Do you know what these errors mean?

>To: address@hidden
>From: Dierk Polzin <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 20020114: Do you know what these errors mean?
>Organization: Univ. of Wisc.


> How can I debug why I get a Bus Error while opening a netcdf file?
> ierr = nf_open(filen,FN_NOWRITE,ides)

I assume you meant

  ierr = nf_open(filen,NF_NOWRITE,ides)

If you're getting a bus error while opening the file, how can the
subsequent print statement print anything?  Do you mean you're getting
a bus error later, when using "ides"?

> print *, filen,NF_NOWRITE,ides,ierr
> gives
> ./input/topo.nc    0 -1073744016  0

Is "ides" declared to be an INTEGER?  If ierr is returned as zero,
ides should be returned as a small integer, such as 11.

> This is using the netcdf libraries on OS X..
> f77 -N15 -f -N90 -o testnc testnetcdf.f 
> /Volumes/Alpine/IBISgnu/lib/libnetcdf.a

I don't know what the "-N15" or "-N90" flags mean.  I assume "f77" is
the Absoft Fortran compiler.  Did the "make test" work OK in the
src/nf_test directory with this compiler?  If so, you might want to look
at the compiler flags used in that test, since it calls "nf_open"
several times.  If you are using different Fortran compiler flags than
were used in building the netCDF library, that might cause problems.
