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Re: 970527: 3d netCDF data visualization


> Oh, sounds great, I might suppose a paragraph like (the links you might set 
> the 
> previous word to are added in brackets):
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ARGOS (http://grieg.ethz.ch/~david/argos.html): 
> interActive thRee-dimensional Graphics ObServatory
>       (c) 1997 by David N. Bresch and Mark A. Liniger
> a new IDL(http://www.rsinc.com/idl/) based interactive 3D visualization tool, 
> developed by David N. Bresch (http://grieg.ethz.ch/~david/index.html) and 
> Mark A. Liniger at the Institute for Atmospheric Science at the Swiss Federal 
> Institute of Technology, ETH, Zürich. 
> A highly optimized graphical user interface allows quick and elegant creation 
> of
> even complex 3D graphics (volume rendering, isosurfaces,...), including 
> Z-buffered overlays (with hidden lines), light and data shading, Xray images, 
> 3D trajectories, animations and virtual flights around your data, all 
> documented
> in a full on-line html-help (http://grieg.ethz.ch/~david/argos_general.html). 
> The NetCDF data format is preferred, but any other format can be read by 
> providing an IDL (or FORTRAN or C or C++) interface. 
> Some toolboxes (for atmospheric model output, trajectory display, radar data) 
> have already been written, others might easily be added (in IDL, FORTRAN or C 
> code). All interactive activities are tracked in a script, allowing quick 
> reconstruction of anything done as well as running ARGOS in batch script mode.
> For further information and installation, please E-mail to: 
> address@hidden
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please let me know what you think about, if you miss something etc.

Thanks, that looks great.

I've added it to the netCDF software page, at


I added a reference to your copyright notice near the end, instead of at
the beginning, to be consistent with the way we have handled copyrights
for the other packages.  Almost every package we mention is copyrighted,
but the conditions under which they can be used may change, so we try
not to be too specific about conditions for use in the brief

Please let me know if this is OK with you, and if I have properly
classified the software in the "Freely Available" category.  I read your
license agreement and realize you also license the software for
commercial use, but I think this is clear enough from the way you have
worded the copyright notice and referred to it on your home page that it
need not be mentioned in the brief description.  However, I will gladly
defer to your judgment in this.  We're grateful you are making this
software available, and I would be glad to list it under the other
category if you would prefer.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu