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Re: ncdigest V1 #650

> Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 16:42:37 +0530
> From: "Dr.T.V.Ramana Murty." <address@hidden>
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: Re: ncdigest V1 #650

Hi Dr. T.V.Ramana Murty,

> We are developing a project in C language. This project contains 25
> header files(.h files) and 50 text files (data files). Now the
> compiler is showing error message .i.e.., TOO MUCH GLOBAL DATA DEFINED
> IN FILE. What is remedy? Some one help us to solve this problem.

This doesn't sound like a netCDF problem.  Is the error message
referring to a netCDF source file?  Are you linking your C program
with a compiled netCDF library?  If you suspect this is a netCDF
problem, please send enough information for us to be able reproduce
the problem or provide sufficient details for us to make a reasonable
guess about what the problem is.  For example, it might be useful to

 - What version of the netCDF library are you using?
 - On what platform (operating system, compiler, hardware)?
 - If you built the netCDF library from source, did it pass all the
   included tests?
 - What file is the error message referring to?

Also, it would be better to send messages like this to
"address@hidden" rather than the netcdfgroup mailing list,
which is intended for announcements and discussion of netCDF issues.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu