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[netCDF #HHS-891616]: NetCDF4 Internal Compression Performance
- Subject: [netCDF #HHS-891616]: NetCDF4 Internal Compression Performance
- Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2017 11:27:26 -0600
Hi Logan,
We are aware of the overhead , although there is unfortunately little we can do
about it. I assume you are working with either the netCDF-C or netCDF-Fortran
library, using the netCDF4 data model/file format. In this case, the file I/O
is handled by the downstream HDF5 library. We are looking at other compression
alternatives, but the tradeoff between compression and I/O speed is fairly
immutable (as I'm sure you're aware). In terms of converting the data to
floating point from integer, or adopting any sort of lossy compression; these
would benefit netCDF certainly, but we have received a lot of pushback from our
community when the topic has been broached in the past. The objection, as I
recall, is that they didn't want to lose any of their data.
I'm sorry I can't provide a more immediately useful solution; we're hoping to
have alternative compression techniques available in the future that will
provide a better speed/storage tradeoff.
> To whom it may concern,
> I am currently working on refactoring I/O code for the National Water
> Model, which is being ran operationally at NCEP to support hydrologic
> prediction for the National Weather Service. Part of this refactoring
> involves converting both gridded, and point values from floating point, to
> integer values via the scale_factor/add_offset attributes. I am also using
> internal NetCDF compression when writing output out. The scale of this
> modeling system permits output on 1 km grids across conus, along with a
> couple variables on 250 meter grids. The point output is across 2.7 million
> river reaches. I have been testing the model with and without internal
> compression. In my tests, I have seen that the compression adds a
> significant amount of time to I/O. In some cases, up to 25%, with a minimum
> of 13% additional I/O time. While for smaller model projects, or research
> projects, this may be a value that can be neglected, it does become an
> issue in an operational environment. I am wondering if this is an outcome
> of internal compression the Unidata NetCDF team is aware of? In some work I
> did years ago, we converted output from floating point to integer, and
> wrote the output directly to a gzipped file from Fortran via a C wrapper.
> In that case, the I/O time was significantly reduced, even though we were
> compressing the data.
> Thanks for any input you may have.
> LK
> --
> Logan Karsten
> Associate Scientist III
> Research Applications Laboratory
> National Center for Atmospheric Research
> 303-497-2693
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HHS-891616
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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