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[Support #ZTO-391659]: Invalid dimension id or name

Hi Peter,

I'm not able to reproduce the problem you are seeing, but maybe you are
trying to link with a netCDF library that was not compiled with the same
compiler flags you are using, in particular -r8 and -i8.  If so, that
might explain the problem.

Before compiling your program and running it, I added the following at
the end of the program:

! need to close file before exit
      if(RCODE.ne.0) then
         print *,'NCCLOS, RCODE=',RCODE
      end if

because the file must be closed to flush buffers and finish writing the
file.  Then I compiled and ran the program, and it produced the expected

test$ f95 -g -I/upc/netcdf/include -c peterf.f -L/upc/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf
test$ f95 -g peterf.o -L/upc/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -o peterf
test$ ./peterf
 NCID= 4 , RCODE= 0
test$ ncdump foo.nc
netcdf foo {
        lat = 5 ;
        lon = 10 ;
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (0 currently)
        double rh(time, lat, lon) ;

In answer to your questions:

> Can someone explain why I get the message coming from the libraries rather
than a
> non-zero result code returned?

That's because the program is using the version 2 (1996) Fortran
interface, for which the default error behavior, as explained here:



  ... by default all netCDF library routines just print an error
  message and exit when an error occurs. If this (admittedly drastic)
  error behavior is acceptable, you never need to check return values,
  since any condition that would result in an error will print an
  explanatory message and exit.
  If you want error messages, but do not wish errors to be fatal, turn
  off the fatal error flag with:


  If you want neither error messages nor fatal errors, turn off both
  flags with:

      CALL NCPOPT(0)

> What is the invalid dimension ID or name in this example?

The names and IDs in the program are all valid, so I can only speculate
this is an artifact of compiling with options incompatible with the way
the installed library was built.

Incidentally the newer version 3 Fortran-77 and Fortran-90 interfaces
have the error behavior you were expecting, returning an error code by
default instead of exiting with a message.


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZTO-391659
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed