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20001127: netCDF installation problem


> To: address@hidden
> From: "S. Dastgeer" <address@hidden>
> Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> Keywords: 200011270824.eAR8O2o22333

The above message contained the following:

> This is Dastgeer, post doc in Prof JK Lee lab at postech. Recently I begin
> to work on neutral transport concerning etching problem, wherein degas2
> code is presumbly a useful tool. I have some genuine problems with the
> code compilation, understanding. I have tried a number of times to install
> the code in my Linux machine (release 6.1, Kernel 2.2.14-5.0krsmp), as
> well as on our Dec-Alpha server (known to be Quantum WS), but could not
> succeed so far.
> Several fatal errors are seen during the compilation of fweb and netcdf
> packages. I have attached the list of bugs herewith as a "error.tar".
> Please find it. Please do needfull. I would be gratefull to you for your
> earlier response.
> Looking forward to your kind and favourable response.
> sincerely
> dastgeer
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> S. Dastgeer                           |e-mail : address@hidden
> (Post Doctral Fellow)                   |         address@hidden
> Plasma Application  Modeling Group.     |Phone  : (Off) 82-54-279-8086
> Department of Electrical Engineering.   |Fax    : (Off) 82-54-279-2903
> Pohang University of Science and      |Phone  : (Res) 82-54-279-4456       
> Technology (POSTECH).                   |
> San-31 Hyoja, Pohang 790-784, S. Korea. |http://armis.postech.ac.kr/~dastgeer/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Your file "configure.log" looked OK.

Your file "make.log" looked OK.

Your file "test.log" looked OK.

Your file "install.log" indicated the following problem:

> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr3/plasma/dastgeer/netcdf-3.4/src'
> Making `install' in directory /usr3/plasma/dastgeer/netcdf-3.4/src/libsrc
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr3/plasma/dastgeer/netcdf-3.4/src/libsrc'
> test -d /usr3/plasma/netcdf-3.4/net/lib || mkdir 
> /usr3/plasma/netcdf-3.4/net/lib
> mkdir: cannot access directory /usr3/plasma/netcdf-3.4/net
> /usr3/plasma/netcdf-3.4/net: No such file or directory

The error messages above indicate that the top-level installation
directory "/usr3/plasma/netcdf-3.4/net" does not exist.  Perhaps
you intended to install the netCDF package under the directory
"/usr3/plasma/dastgeer/netcdf-3.4" (which does exist)?

To solve this problem, you may do either of the following:

    A.  Ensure that the directory "/usr3/plasma/netcdf-3.4/net" exists
        and is writable by you and then install the netCDF package.


    B.  Reconfigure the netCDF package so that it installs under an
        existing directory (e.g. "/usr3/plasma/dastgeer/netcdf-3.4").

For A above, do the following:

    1.  Create the top-level, installation directory

    2.  Go to the top-level, netCDF source directory.

    3.  Perform step 9 near the end of the INSTALL file.

For B above, do the following:

    1.  Go to the top-level, netCDF source directory.

    2.  Perform steps 3 through 5 near the end of the INSTALL file.

    3.  Perform step 6 near the end of the install file but ensure that
        the "--prefix=..." option is either not specified or that it
        references an existing, writable, directory.

    4.  Perform steps 7 through 9 near the end of the INSTALL file.

Please let me know if this helps.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>