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20011203: using NetCDF 3.4 on NEC-SX5: "not a NetCDF-file"


> To: address@hidden
> From: Stefan Melber <address@hidden>
> Subject: Compiling NetCDF on NEC-SX5...
> Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> Keywords: 200111300742.fAU7gvN29708

The above message contained the following:

> a have some problems on a NEC-SX5 with NetCDF 3.4 - one program writes
> out a NetCDF-file with no errors, but the seccond cannot read in this
> file. ncdump means, "This is not a NetCDF-file". On other platforms
> (SGI, IBM, HP ...) all programs works without problems.
> Maybe there is a problem related with the compiler-switches on SX5:
> Could you please send me the switches i should set to compile on SX5?
> I read some support mails and found other users, which has problems on
> SX5, but cannot clearly find out, what switches are ok ...

I'm afraid that we can't tell you what options to use becase we don't
have access to a NEC SX5 system and no one who does have access has told
us what options have worked.

We can, however, help you install the netCDF system. Because you're
using version 3.4 of the package and the latest release is version
3.5.0, would you please download the latest version and install it
on the NEC SX5 system. The latest version of the package is fully
backward-compatible with version 3.4. By following the instructions in
the file "INSTALL.html" and reporting any problems to us, we'll be able
to diagnose the operation of the netCDF package on your system.

The latest version of the netCDF package is available from


> Regards,
>     Stefan Melber, DLR Braunschweig

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>