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[netCDF #RJZ-836571]: problem converting netcdf4 files to netCDF4-classic
- Subject: [netCDF #RJZ-836571]: problem converting netcdf4 files to netCDF4-classic
- Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2024 12:26:55 -0600
Hello Cathy,
Thank you for providing the file; it certainly helped me debug this issue!
The problem appears to be that the uses a group, `Grid`. There isn't an easy
way to remove the group with `ncdump` or `nccopy`, although NCO may let you do
this. Alternatively, I was able to fix this with an intermediary step.
I dumped the file you provided to a `.cdl` file as follows:
$ ncdump precip.imerge.mon.202312.nc > tmp.cdl
I then edited the cdl file to remove the `group: Grid {` line near the start of
the file, and removed the corresponding closing '}' at the end of the file. I
was then able to generate a binary `.nc` file using `ncgen` as follows:
$ ncgen -7 -o tmp.nc tmp.cdl
Running `ncdump -k tmp.nc` returns `netCDF-4 classic model`.
That at least should answer the question; I will look into if there is an
easier way to do this, but at the moment I'm not certain there is.
I hope this helps!
> Hi all
> We have run into issues converting files from netCDF4 to netCDF4-classic.
> The problem is this
> nccopy -k 4 precip.imerg.mon.202312.nc a.nc
> NetCDF: Attempting netcdf-4 operation on strict nc3 netcdf-4 file
> Location: file ../../ncdump/nccopy.c; line 657
> and similarly for
> nccopy -k "netCDF-4 classic model" a.nc
> ncdump gives
> ncdump -k precip.imerg.mon.202312.nc
> netCDF-4
> and
> ncdump -hs precip.imerg.mon.202312.nc
> skip stuff
> float precip(time, lon, lat) ;
> precip:DimensionNames = "time,lon,lat" ;
> precip:Units = "mm/hr" ;
> precip:units = "mm/hr" ;
> precip:coordinates = "time lon lat" ;
> precip:_FillValue = -9999.9f ;
> precip:CodeMissingValue = "-9999.9" ;
> precip:LongName = "Merged microwave-infrared-gauge
> precipitation estimate" ;
> precip:_Storage = "chunked" ;
> precip:_ChunkSizes = 1, 145, 1800 ;
> precip:_DeflateLevel = 6 ;
> precip:_Endianness = "little" ;
> skip stuff
> // group attributes:
> :GridHeader =
> "BinMethod=ARITHMETIC_MEAN;\nRegistration=CENTER;\nLatitudeResolution=0.1;\nLongitudeResolution=0.1;\nNorthBoundingCoordinate=90;\nSouthBoundingCoordinate=-90;\nEastBoundingCoordinate=180;\nWestBoundingCoordinate=-180;\nOrigin=SOUTHWEST;\n"
> ;
> } // group Grid
> GrADS won't plot the files
> Scanning self-describing file: precip.imerg.mon.202312.nc
> gadsdf: SDF file has no discernable X coordinate.
> To open this file with GrADS, use a descriptor file with an XDEF entry.
> Documentation is at
> http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/SDFdescriptorfile.html
> But of course the variable does have a good X coordinate
> CDO gives a similar error to the NCO command for converting
> cdo -f nc4c -O copy precip.imerg.mon.202312.nc
> <http://precip.imerg.mon.202312.nc> ~/a.nc <http://a.nc>
> Segmentation fault
> Is there anyway to convert the files from the command line from netCDF4
> to netCDF4-classic? We had the same issue with some unrelated files
> produced from python code.
> I've put one file into /Public/csmith/
> precip.imerg.mon.202312.nc
> ftp ftp.cdc.noaa.gov
> Thanks for any advice!
> Cathy Smith
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences ,
> University of Colorado Boulder
> Working in the NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
> https://psl.noaa.gov/people/cathy.smith/
> https://cires.colorado.edu/people/cathy-smith
> Emails about data/webpages may get quicker responses by emailing
> address@hidden
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RJZ-836571
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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