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[netCDF #VNX-427431]: asking help

Hi Fethi,

> Can you help me to convert my CAMx result data to a format readable by
> Verdi.
> I tried to handle a fortran program to convert it to netcdf, but nothing
> are do.

Sorry, we don't have the resources to provide such general programming help.
We provide development, maintenance, and support for the netCDF libraries,
but we have no expertise with CAMx data or the Verdi application.

There is an on-line training workshop for netCDF that might help provide a
general overview of netCDF:


and there's on-line documentation:


If you have a more specific question, we'll try to help within our limited

> Please can you help me.
> please you will find a results file data for one step attached to this mail.
> File description:
> -Time step 1 to 24
> - ny (row) 102 to 1 (north to south direction)
> - nx (column) 1 to 94 (west to east direction)
> - nz level 1

I saw no attachment with your email.


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VNX-427431
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed